We were, we are, but, we have to be. This is the story of Scripture. “What in the world?” you might say. Let’s take a look …
In the beginning, God created man and woman in His Image to live with Him and be fruitful by and through His Guidance. We were created as Children of God.
But, there was the fall, the fall from Glory. We exited God’s plan of Glory falling into sin. So, God created separation. Rather than being in an intimate relationship with the Father, we were ‘put out of the Garden or Paradise’ and guards were stationed to keep us separate. Sin is costly.
Separated from God, we die spiritually. It’s a vast wasteland of wandering. He means to be LORD (which means master) of our lives. There’s no doubt about it, this is for our own good.
So God made the way for us to come back — back to Paradise, back to Him.
His goal is for us to Live with Him. To be constantly Aware of His Presence with us. We should be continually receiving His Guidance in our Life. He is the One who knows everything so Knowing His Presence with us is obviously a very good idea.
So, the journey back began. First God begins by working with a called out or awakened person and then a people. Called out, Called up and Awakened are terms that reference our coming Alive in a Spiritual Relationship. The idea behind a Called Out people was to teach them and us the Character and Way of God.
A key figure to notice is Noah who Learned obedience, building an Ark in preparation for a flood. God is Faithful to prepare us with what we need, if we’ll Listen.
Then, there is Abraham who learned Trust. Abraham and Noah both responded to God doing what He said, going where He directed and they had their Faith reckoned to them as Righteousness. Righteousness is Huge. It is Hearing and Following in the Way of God.
With this demonstration of Trusting Obedience, or Righteousness, the promise was made that, through Abraham, God would Reestablish the nation and nations. He promised to be God to them and give them the land of their sojourning.
That means they would be fruitful and protected. They would once again have dominion over evil, and fear and doubt. They would have Authority over the enemy. Spiritual Authority that is. We’ll find this is key to Thriving with God.
The Descendants of Abraham are to be people of the Covenant or Promise. People who Know the Word of God written and the Word with them. People who Respond to the Voice of God with a Listening, Doing Faith.
When it gets down to it, that’s how we Learn Obedience and Trust.
When you Learn a Trusting Walk in the Spirit of God, and Know how to Hear and Obey His Voice you will find Life and Peace. That is His Promise. Without Him, it’s kind of like a jungle. The Bible calls it wandering, or being lost or asleep.
The lineage continued and in the process Truth was shared. We learned the nature of God. He is Love, Holy Love. Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent Love. He wants the Best for all His Creation and His Created. All Humanity is meant to know Him and be His Children, those He Guides, Leads and Shepherds on earth, in Paradise.
On an upbeat note, God created Earth as Paradise, and created Humanity to Live with Him in it! He promises responders Love, Blessing, Favor, Wisdom and Authority.
Through the Ages that have followed we can see how Life with God and Life in God is meant to play out. Listen, Hear, Look and Do is the pattern that leads to Trust and Resting Belief. Faith that pleases God comes from Relationship, a Trusting, Responsive Relationship with the Holy God.
In time, when God had humanity prepared, He demonstrated a Fully Fruitful Relationship with Humanity again, He sent the Son chosen to Model Life, Light, Hope, Love, Kingdom Power and Authority — all things good!
Jesus showed us Abundant, Fruitful Life. A Life of Listening, Looking, Learning, and Loving, He was a ‘Doer of the Word’ and as the Spirit and Power of the Holy God came upon Him, He ‘Modeled Paradise Life, or the Kingdom of God.’
Expressing God as the sent Son, Jesus was the House of God. The Lovingkindness or Grace of God was Full in Him. He was the Embodiment of God’s Spirit. He perfectly reflected God’s Divine Love. He was recognized as the Christ, the Word of God made flesh, He was the Chosen One, Anointed to be the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.
Jesus as the Last Adam and the first Heavenly Man
was the Model of who we can be when we understand the Fullness of our Potential and New Identity.
God Reconciled humanity to Himself through Christ and gave us the Ministry of Reconciliation. As we understand this and choose to Live our Lives for the Honor of God and His Christ, in Christ, by God’s Empowerment we Become someone who we can never be on our own. We are Representatives of Heaven. God’s Spiritual Children Alive with Him Leading, Guiding And Directing us once again!
Jesus in His Perfection, chose to lay down His Life for us. The Made Perfect Son became the Atonement, the Propitiation and Payment for humanity’s sin. This is the story of the cross. The Blood of the Perfect Son, the unblemished Lamb of God paid the debt of our sin so that we can Live Reconciled to God once again.
This changed everything. There was a New Covenant
enacted thanks to God’s Plan, and the Son’s Willing Obedience. The Finished Work of the cross changed the standing of humanity.
We were flesh sons relegated to separation, to spiritual death.
But now, we are Reconciled in our Standing, Redeemed to come Alive in Christ.
Every single one of us are able to Accept the Work of God through Christ Jesus, and to Rise up and Be Spiritual Sons and Daughters of God. We are to be made Whole, Fruitful and Perfectly at Peace by Relationship with the Spirit of God.
We are people of Heavenly Potential.
The last Adam Jesus, ensured that humanity is no longer consigned to be a living soul. We can Be people made Complete by the Life-Giving Spirit of God.
We can Learn to Model Glory, but that’s another story for another day.
So hear the Good News —
By the Grace of God, by the Forgiveness and Mercy He gave to us in and through His Son, The New and Living Way Covenant was enacted.
Today, we are Redeemed,
But, we have to accept the gift, Become and Be God’s Children —
We have to know His Spirit with us, and Be fruitfully Transformed.
So there it is, the story. We were, we are, but, we have to be … To Be Children bearing Glory!
Arise and Shine. It is time to Become God’s Intention, Overcomers Knowing and Living our Destiny. We, you and I, are meant to unveil the ending of the Story!
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