Redemption from death and the bondage brought on us by sin — has been Accomplished. The Life and Death of Jesus, has made a Way for all people to ‘Enter the Kingdom Realm’ and to enjoy a Living Relationship with God.
This may be something you’ve never thought about, or been taught about, but it is Truth!
Jesus came to demonstrate Abundant Life with God! He demonstrated humanity Living in Union with the Spirit of God. He showed us what all the Saints and Prophets, and what the Remnant Israel was believing and pointing toward.
The idea of us gaining Eternal Life on earth and living Reconciled to God is a little more obscure. It still remains a bit of a mystery — but that is changing. God is unveiling Truth.
The Bible is written in parables and symbols. It is meant to draw you into it so that, you become attentive to and dependent on God to unveil His Truth to you. Scripture is only discernible when you are Awakened Spiritually. This makes it hard to see the Truth, because how would you know that? Until of course — you do.
Paul, one of the most important disciples of the New Covenant Age, puts it like this — there is a mystery which has been hidden from past ages but now has been manifested to God’s saints. This mystery is this, “Christ in you is the Hope of Glory.”
Did you see Truth there? Christ has been in us, but hidden.
In order to be Glory, to Be God’s Light, His Love and Kingdom Hope, we must be rejoined to Christ, or to the Spirit of God because God cannot give His Glory ‘to another.’ It is revealed through those who Live in Unity with Him.
So the question is who is Christ and how can we Live United to Him?
This is the question of infinite importance. Why? Because Knowing Christ and Living with your Life hidden with Christ in God is the charge to God’s Resurrection Community.
Life in Unity is how we Become the Kingdom Community of God. It is how we Learn to Manifest the Life of Christ ourselves. It is how we Learn to Speak by the Power of God and Live the Blameless Way which is to say, Live as the Fullness of God’s Truth.
If this isn’t quite making sense don’t despair — it can take a lifetime to learn Truth but with God’s Revelation we are confident it can be done faster!
That’s the point of Point to One.
So, the quick answer is Christ is God and God is Christ. Christ is the Seed planted in us at Creation. He is the Rock of Salvation. And the Word that moves us from death to Life. He is the Spirit and Truth that guided Israel. God is Christ, the Word that was Made Fully Manifest in the Son Jesus who was then called the Christ.
From the Beginning to the End of Scripture God is saving humanity. He is the Alpha and Omega who Seeks to be Known among His people. He is the teaching Presence of the Spirit within us who grows us to our Fullest Potential. He is Hope of the Kingdom Power being Realized on earth and today He is — as we believe it — Jesus in us.
Now it’s really confusing right? How could Jesus the man be in us? Well the answer is ‘He’ couldn’t.
But the Spirit that He was as the House of the Lovingkindness of God can. Jesus was the House of the Fullness of God’s Spirit. He was Transformed into the Divine Son of God. He Became the Word that is God made flesh. Conjoined or United with the Holy Spirit of the Living God, the Word within Him, Jesus made Known the Power of the Living LORD God to Dwell in Man and to Manifest the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
As promised to David, Jesus was the House for God’s Name. The Fullness of God’s Character — the Truth, the Righteousness and the Life that comes from God was Made Known through the Son. Jesus was made Holy, Clean and Pure, Made Perfect or Made Complete, to Fully Represent the Holy Eternal God. By the Spirit of Holiness upon Him, He Manifested God’s Name and the Kingdom Power of God on earth.
He was One with the LORD God. He was Adam Restored. He was the Son of Heaven, a Heavenly Man. He was who we can Be as our Bodies become purified Houses of the Spirit of the Holy One.
The good news is today, we can Be Houses of the Lord Jesus and the Spirit of the Holy God as they are Reunited as One Spirit — the Spirit who is Christ. We can be Made Pure by God with the Meditation of Jesus. The Spirit of Truth that is Awakened within the Believer who looks for His appearing will give them Abundant Eternal Life.
This is why we say See with New Eyes, We’ve Been Redeemed for God!
We are Created to be much more than we may have imagined. We’ve been Redeemed from the curse of spiritual death to Awaken to the Spirit of Truth. In time, as we Grow in our Salvation, we will Learn to Live as God’s Righteousness and Glory!
God through Christ made full in the Beloved Son Reconciled humanity to Himself. Now we can Seek Him and the Transformation that will make us Ambassadors of Reconciliation and the Kingdom of Heaven.
God and His Son are Known through the Body of Christ — especially the Believers who are Awakened and Responsive to the Word who is the LORD God Almighty.