When we traverse the Father’s River, we’ll encounter the Fullness of Truth.
The depth of the LORD’s hidden Wisdom rises to be Known.
Seeing Truth, we confront our sinfulness
And begin to comprehend the depravity and desolation we have known.
Yet, there is Christ’s Potential!
There is no option if we want to proceed, but to empty ourselves
And invite the Lord in all His Glory, Beauty, and Love to fill us.
We no longer then are of the past, old ways of flesh die away —
Our Hope becomes the Holy Spirit’s Infilling and Transformation.
Our Potential in Christ is Glorious!
As our view of God’s world moves to Clarity,
We comprehend Jesus in us is God with us.
We are Being Transformed to become His Image Bearers.
As Jesus was, so too are we — Light in the World Witnessing to Glory.
Glory, Glory Glory becomes our song.
The depth of the Father’s Love and His Patience become ours.
We are Bearers of His Name, the New Name of the Son and the Name of the City of God.
We Speak the Father’s Word with Authority and Power.
In this, Righteousness abounds in the world.
Glory is the Witness of Children Freed by the LORD.
The Redeemed, Reconciled Body of Christ brings Renewal to Light in this world.
Our Testimony is Christ, we’ve become One with Him
We Witness to the Holy One’s Presence with us and in us.
Sanctified by Truth, it becomes who we are!
Let all flesh proclaim, we see the Glory of the LORD!
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